Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Another reason to hate Texas
Published on August 16, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Current Events

A lot of you know who Cindy Sheehan is. She's the mom leading the protest/vigil outside dubya's hideout in Crawford Texas. This article isn't about her protest. Others have covered that . This is about what happened yesterday....

Some redneck asshole took it upon themselves to drive through a few rows of the crosses erected on the side of the road. These crosses were part of her protest, and had the names of every american soldier, sailor, airman and marine killed in the Iraq war. Regardless of how you feel about her protest, i think you should be outraged. These crosses represent the sacrifices these kids made for the good old USA. It shows how some people feel about any dissent towards the war. They will go so far as to descecrate the names of those who gave all. It also shows that some will go to any length to disrespect anyone who opposes the war. Those crosses represent the losses of the families of the dead. Wether they are temporary or not is irrelevant. It is a slap in the face of every family who has lost a loved one. Regardless of how they feel about Mrs. Sheehan's protest.

But i'm not too suprised it happened. I was expecting something to happen. I never would have thought those who support the war would sink to such a level. One dumbass redneck gives the rest of you a black eye.

I guess i gave a few of them too much credit. My bad!

Thanks for reading,

Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 17, 2005

it's obvious to me she's either stupid, crazy or weak. in other words...a woman

You just stepped into it BIGTIME.

on Aug 17, 2005

Having been part of many military funerals, a few with political dignitaries, I can tell you, they are very professional and impersonal. A quick "I'm sorry for your loss", or "Thank you for your son/daughter's service" is about all there is time for from any one of them.

Unless you are the Lt. Gov of Pa.  Which kingbee seems to want all politicians to be.

on Aug 17, 2005

if kerry had been killed in action on a swiftboat, one could have said the same things about him posthumously. he reenlisted. he volunteered for a mission with a very high incidence of casualties. he put himself in the line of fire to save a member of his crew.

None of that is true, except Kerry was there.

on Aug 17, 2005

it's obvious to me she's either stupid, crazy or weak. in other words...a woman.

I didn't catch that one the first read through....are you sure you want to leave that comment?  I can assure you that this "woman" is neither stupid nor weak...I may be crazy, but that is in the eye of the beholder   Do you really think a sexist comment is going to strengthen your argument?  No, it doesn't- it just makes you look sexist.



on Aug 17, 2005
Do you really think a sexist comment is going to strengthen your argument? No, it doesn't- it just makes you look sexist

i was summarizing the comments above that statement and taking them to their logical conclusion. i didnt make those comments. i wasn't the one who suggested she was incapable of rational thought, too dim to realize she was being manipulated nor unable to keep a husband or be a proper mother.

my only real mistake here was not recognizing her for the whore drguy proclaimed her to be in his thread.

(cmon karma, i realize sarcasm doesn't always translate well context of the text following that statement, it should be fairly obvious to anyone who speaks english as a first language no?)
on Aug 17, 2005
I can assure you that this "woman" is neither stupid nor weak

despite nearly 20 comments previous to mine in which that was suggested, i totally agree.
on Aug 17, 2005
None of that is true, except Kerry was there

the only thing in that paragraph which isn't true--nor was i claiming it to be--is kerry's death in action.

time for your meds?
on Aug 17, 2005
Very well said, Ted. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words, much more eloquently than I could have.
on Aug 17, 2005

cmon karma, i realize sarcasm doesn't always translate well context of the text following that statement, it should be fairly obvious to anyone who speaks english as a first language no?)

no.  I think Dr. guy read it like I did, considering his comment of: "You just stepped into it BIGTIME."

She knows what she is doing.  She's smart, and she's strong.  If anyone disagrees- they should think about how long she has kept this up and how much publicity she has gotten.

I don't agree with what she is doing at all, but I can't belittle the effort she has put into this.

on Aug 17, 2005
I just read this article. Apparently, drmiler has now mandated that all users, regardless of whether their access is limited to library access or not, read all posts since their last logon before posting any articles or risk his scorn.

Good article, thatoneguy. Bad form, drmiler (I still say it's a safe bet this guy WAS a redneck).
on Aug 17, 2005
I just read this article. Apparently, drmiler has now mandated that all users, regardless of whether their access is limited to library access or not, read all posts since their last logon before posting any articles or risk his scorn.

And just what in blue blazes are you talking about?

And as an aside, a question for you. Do you "even" know the "real" meaning of the word redneck?
Let me help ya!

One entry found for redneck.

Main Entry: red·neck
Pronunciation: 'red-"nek
Function: noun
1 sometimes disparaging : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class

Note that nowhere does it say ignorant, stupid or any other disparging term.
on Aug 17, 2005
No problemo Ted, your comments are always welcome on my blog.
on Aug 17, 2005
And just what in blue blazes are you talking about?

You know damned good and well what I'm talking about! The fact that you held me accountable for the content of THIS article, despite the fact that I hadn't READ the thing, in my other article that addressed the same news story.

So, which was this guy NOT? Was he not Southern? Was he not rural? Was he not working class? Anyway, the word is a slang term, really, regardless of how many dictionary definitions you put up. Why don't you sue Jeff Foxworthy before you come after us for using the term?
on Aug 17, 2005
Jeff Foxworthy before you come after us for using the term?

Because he's just an idiot. Granted he's an idiot who's making money off of sterotyping but an idiot none the less.

You know damned good and well what I'm talking about! The fact that you held me accountable for the content of THIS article, despite the fact that I hadn't READ the thing, in my other article that addressed the same news story

And NO I didn't. I held you accountable for the content of "YOUR" article not this one. And if you took the time to notice I made the same comments here too. See reply #59. What I find contempable is that you and other people use the term "redneck" as someone to be looked down upon as being slow dull-witted, ignorant. The term as you saw from the definition is nothing more than descibing a rural, hard working southerner. Originally it meant a farmer whose neck was red from working out in the sun! The term you should be using is "ignorant cracker".
on Aug 17, 2005

You're splitting hairs, plain and simple. For the record, in MY article, I actually didn't refer to the man as a "redneck" anyway...I asked where the rednecks were that had lobbied so hard against flag desecration and who speak out about dishonoring the troops and disrespecting the cross. My point was, and is, valid.
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