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The price we pay
One idiots opinion
Published on May 18, 2005 By
Howdy folks,
I have been following Dabe's article "The Confederate Flag" recently. Rarely do i ever feel the need to expand on someones thread. I figure it's not my place to run with or against the author's writings. But, as usual the ever touchy subject of racism has turned ugly. I just wanted to say one thing to everybody on both sides.....ok?
You don't have to like the other person or their arguement. But, you have to accept the fact they have differing opinions. It's part of the game.
On a personal level, i find the rebel flag offensive and believe that it should be relegated to the trash heap of history along with the Nazi flag. It represents a defeated enemy of the United States of America. I find it ironic that those who fly the rebel colors also proudly wrap themselves in the stars and stripes. I also find it hypocritical, and disrespectful to a vast majority of americans as well.
But hey, I'm just one person! I know for a fact that there's millions of people who will vehemently attack me for my beliefs.
That's the price we pay for freedom of speech.
I'm with you on the issue Dabe. But i have to say that it's private citizen's right to fly any flag they want. Even if it does represent an ugly and tragic past.
Thanks for reading,
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Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages
on May 19, 2005
Well Lucas, I think traitor pretty much covers it when you fire shots at a US military base. Loyal citizens don't seceed from a country and then fire cannonballs at the Army.
on May 19, 2005
I'm still mulling over Mr Backwards rewrite of history.
Here's some info.
I'm no yankee. I have southern roots. I know a lot about how most white southerners feel about slavery and racism. Most white southerners seem to aspire to the philosophies of the "New South". Which in my opinon is a noble philosophy. But clouding the fact that the dixie flag can be interpeted into a racist symbol with a diatribe of the New South is just not believeable to me. I really don't think that just because someone has a rebel flag it makes them a racist. But by that same token, i would never fly one over my house because of the connotation that i support a racist philosophy. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you choose to fly one over your house, i really dont have a problem with it. (thus the reason for writing this in the first place.) But, if you think that it might not offend others, ESPECIALLY folks who's ancestors were oppressed by the system...Well that's just naive.
BTW folks, i appreciate the civility. Thanks!
on May 19, 2005
My god, that is quite possibly the worst retort i have ever had posted in my blog.
And just so you know, it's my opinion. i owe no one an apology for it.
You can keep your apology. I for one do not need one nor do I want one! That being said however "citsym nogard" post was absolutely right on target! It's also dead on the truth!
on May 19, 2005
Maybe from your perspective miler, but we know where you stand on the issue. As you know where i stand. Also, i believe based on what i know of the southern code of honor...One must actually recieve an apology before they can tell the other party to shove it!
Here's something that will lighten the mood.
Quotes from my two favorite rebel bumperstickers. (from both sides)
1. "Happiness is a northbound Yankee" - On a truck in Covington LA.
2. "You LOST...Get over it!" - My 1978 GMC truck (Rust In Peace old friend)
on May 19, 2005
Maybe from your perspective miler, but we know where you stand on the issue. As you know where i stand. Also, i believe based on what i know of the southern code of honor...One must actually recieve an apology before they can tell the other party to shove it.
If that's the way you took it, I'm sorry. That is not the way it was intended. After rereading it I can see I worded it "all" wrong. But that does not mean that I agree with your opinion. I don't.
on May 19, 2005
I was just clowning you a bit. Trying to keep it light and all. When all is said and done....
"I don't have to agree with what my neighbor says, but i'll fight to the death for his right to say it"
on May 20, 2005
But by that same token, i would never fly one over my house because of the connotation that i support a racist philosophy. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you choose to fly one over your house, i really dont have a problem with it. (thus the reason for writing this in the first place.) But, if you think that it might not offend others, ESPECIALLY folks who's ancestors were oppressed by the system...Well that's just naive.
Yup, I agree completely. I will concede that if you choose to fly the confederate flag, you're not necessarily racist. But, to deny that it is a symbol that is associated with racism and hate and slavery is just plain ridiculous. If you're choosing to display the flag, don't be so shocked when you step into the controversy over this.
is just a nice way of putting it.
on May 20, 2005
Loyal citizens don't seceed from a country
--Ehh, it depends on what you view as loyal, theres loyal to the gov't, and there is loyal to the
, the people, example; a gov't is taking rights away from a state, wouldn't that state have the right,knowing that it will end up without rights, secede to protect what their forefathers fought for.....its a bitter-sweet ordeal....
on May 20, 2005
i think they seceeded from all three of your examples Lucas.
on May 20, 2005
on May 20, 2005
Loyal citizens don't seceed from a country
Well then, our founding fathers weren't very loyal, now were they?
on May 20, 2005
Well then, our founding fathers weren't very loyal, now were they?
--No doubt...
on May 20, 2005
NJ brings up a good point.
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