Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
thatoneguyinslc's Articles In Websites
July 28, 2004 by thatoneguyinslc
This is Kennys brainchild This site has everything you want to know about the SLC scene, and a shitload of links to other homegrown websites. Check out the DAILIES! Im going to bed now. Gotta pay the bills ya know? Reporting from Chicago, Brian
August 27, 2004 by thatoneguyinslc
I have been known to rant...This is where i got the idea to rant online. Usually one would be considered a nutball for having a cartoon character be someones hero, but in this case...Call me a NUTBALL because Foamy the Squirrel is one of my heroes! Check it out! Thanks for reading, Thatoneguyinslc Link