THEY WON! The curse is Broken!! And all you Yankee fans? Pffffffhhhhhhhhht! I think they really did get the Bambino's ghost a hooker to appease him (Curt Shilling on letterman last week's top 10) Now all we need is an act of god so the cubbies can get one Thanks for reading, thatoneguyinslc
Here she is folks...After two years of work she is finally done! My 1982 Porsche 911sc Targa. I haven't named her yet...but i'm working on it. Thanks for reading, thatoneguyinslc
Link Porsche is finally trying something new. The have decided to build a four door sedan, and they are calling it the PANAMERA. It looks similar to a 911, but it will have a front mounted engine. (which is nothing new. The 944, 924, & 928 are all front mounted). The scheduled release is 2008 or 2009. Click the link above to see a preview. Someone call hell and see if the ski resorts are open down there. Thanks for reading, thatoneguyinslc