Howdy folks, Your old buddy thatoneguyinslc here. A few of you have asked me why i haven't been posting lately. Well, i would like to say that it's because my harem of supermodels have been keeping me busy. But sadly...It ain't true. The last few weeks of my life have been a combination of exhaustion, turmoil, loss, and full blown chaos. Life has been hammering on the guy with a big mallot lately, and it started to wear on me. It killed my motivation to write and a lot of other th...
Well, i have lasted longer than i thought. And i made it here in less than 1 year. Guess i'm a little chatterbox after all! I just want to thank a few people, Some still around, some not. BlueDev, Myrrander, Kingbee, Varroom, Sally Jacobs, Brad & Mrs. User (for giving us all a place to scream at each other), COL Gene, Manopeace, ParaTed2k, Whip, Dr Guy, Muggaz, Miguna (where are you?), Phoenixboi (for the inspiration), BakerStreet, Tex, Gideon, Dharma, Floozie, SSG Geezer, Jade, Modman,...
Howdy folks, My travels take me to Southern California (yet again) this week. Normally i enjoy it down here. The weather is usually good, and there's lots to do when i'm off work. But this week... I'm across the street from the gates of hell! Or as some call it. DISNEYLAND! I hate the evil mouse. Even when i was a kid ( i was and still am a big fan of Warner Bros.) I never came here like most kids. I now know that i didn't miss much. Screaming brats everywhere. Running the hallways o...
Howdy folks! I know all of you are preparing to enjoy the holiday by watching football, hanging out with the family, and gorging on turkey. I' m certainly looking forward to it... Take a second and remember what this holiday is all about. Be thankful for what you have, be thankful for the people in your lives that you care about, and remember those who cannot be with you today. Thanksgiving isn't just about eating and goofing off. It's about appreciating life's little gifts. Kiss you...
I no longer have any faith in the criminal justice system. After all was said and done, after all the sleepless nights, uneaten meals, fully consumed bottles of alcohol... It was all for not. Turns out the DA cut a deal with Rogelio. He decided to plead guilty after all. In the State of Utah, a 3rd degree felony (which is what vehicular homicide is considered) is punishable by a term of 0 to 5 years. The Board of Pardons is the agency that decides how long a convict will serve. The typ...
Howdy folks...It's time for another update on the case. On August 29th i attended yet another re-re-re-re-re-scheduled Preliminary Hearing. I dunno how many of these things i have been to. Every time we get into the courtroom, something happens, and the re-schedule the damn thing. It gets frustrating watching the gears grind. It's been almost a year since the accident. A year of frustrating disappointments. I used to have faith in our legal system, as flawed as it is. Now... Not so much! ...
Time for yet another update of the continuing saga known as.... WITLESS FOR THE PROSECUTION Chapter 4: The lineup. I arrived at the Jail around 12:15 pm. I figured i'd better get there plenty early and check in after the two previous failed attempts. But this time...It was on All the players were assembled. Me, the ADA, The Defense Weasel, even the dumbass jailer who created the whole mess with his incompetence. It was like a dysfunctional family reunion...All we needed was a ...
Howdy! Your old pal thatoneguyinslc here. I've been a little busy these past few weeks. The new job is taking up a lot of my time, which is good. Idle hands and all... It's funny. I used to bitch and moan about having to travel all the time for work. Nowadays I find that getting out of town on a regular basis is something that I look forward to. I've been spending way too much time in Seattle as of late. But i'll take that over the 104 degree temps that are the summertime norm in S...
Figured it was about time for an update in the hit-and-run case. A few weeks ago, I recieved my usual pile of subpoenas in the mail. As it stands right now, I have at least a dozen of them. A dozen subpoenas... And I still haven't testified in open court. I appeared about a month ago for the "official" police lineup. Oh how I looooooove going to the jailhouse for these things. I walk in and meet with the ADA. She tells me to go over to the main counter, and check in with the officer a...
Howdy folks... If you would have told me that i would be where i am right now six months ago, i would have laughed in your face. I'm back on the road. Yep, you heard me. I accepted another "field" position. No more sleeping in my own bed seven days a week. The difference is that i am working under much better conditions this go-around. The company i now work for (Which is ironically owned by the founders of the company i previously worked for) designs and manufactures home automation...
Howdy folks, Your old pal thatoneguyinslc here. As many of you already know, (i'm really get tired of repeating this, but i gotta do it for the noobs of JU) I was a witness in a hit and run accident on October 17, 2005, that resulted in the death of a man by the name of Claude WIlliams. The suspect, Rogelio Molina, was drunk, high on cocaine, fled the scene, and to top it off...An illegal alien at the time of the incident. The local media hung the "hero" sign around my neck immediately...
A lot of you might not think of Salt Lake City as being a large city. Salt Lake City itself has just around 200,000 people. A mid-sized city at best. The county, on the other hand is much more populous...Around 1.5 million people living in quiet little bedroom communities with cute, wholesome sounding names like Bountiful, Taylorsville, Sandy, Midvale, etc, etc, etc. I myself grew up in the upper middle class hamlet of Holladay. Which is located on the east side of the valley, in the foot...
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Howdy folks! The L-tryptophan has finally worn off. I have arisen from my turkey induced slumber (12 hours...imagine that!) feeling refreshed, and inspired to continue my web-based asault on all things good taste after such a lengthy absence. Translation: I'm BACK bitches! It's been a while JoeUser...A long while at that! I think that i'm finally over the writers block that has ruled over me for the past couple of months. I'm sure that all of us hit that wall at some point. Still ...