Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Another reason to hate Texas
Published on August 16, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Current Events

A lot of you know who Cindy Sheehan is. She's the mom leading the protest/vigil outside dubya's hideout in Crawford Texas. This article isn't about her protest. Others have covered that . This is about what happened yesterday....

Some redneck asshole took it upon themselves to drive through a few rows of the crosses erected on the side of the road. These crosses were part of her protest, and had the names of every american soldier, sailor, airman and marine killed in the Iraq war. Regardless of how you feel about her protest, i think you should be outraged. These crosses represent the sacrifices these kids made for the good old USA. It shows how some people feel about any dissent towards the war. They will go so far as to descecrate the names of those who gave all. It also shows that some will go to any length to disrespect anyone who opposes the war. Those crosses represent the losses of the families of the dead. Wether they are temporary or not is irrelevant. It is a slap in the face of every family who has lost a loved one. Regardless of how they feel about Mrs. Sheehan's protest.

But i'm not too suprised it happened. I was expecting something to happen. I never would have thought those who support the war would sink to such a level. One dumbass redneck gives the rest of you a black eye.

I guess i gave a few of them too much credit. My bad!

Thanks for reading,

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 16, 2005

And while you're at it.. Please go get us a quote stating that ok?

on Aug 16, 2005
I think she's a grieving mother who may be subject to the influence of people around her who would use her tragedy for political purposes.

I get very angry with people who wish to trash this woman. If you understand anything about the grief process, you can surmise that this woman is sincerely trying to make something of value and make some sense of what's happened to her family. You may not agree that her crusade is constructive, but it does appear that she is attempting to deal with her grief through these actions. I will grant that she be being misguided by people around her, but I have no doubt that's she sincere in her motives.

I REFUSE to criticize a woman who has lost a child to war. I REFUSE. I don't care if she covers herself in doo-doo and chocolate sprinkles and rides a tricycle through Wal-Mart.

She lost her child.

I think that anyone who would even consider driving through those crosses is an asshole. It's the height of disrespect. Even if you do not agree with the woman's stance on the war, how could you possibly think it's OK to DRIVE THROUGH these tokens...these reminders...of the sacrifice of our military?

If you don't like them, find out how to have them moved or taken down through the appropriate channels. DO NOT fucking drive your damn pickup truck over them!

PS - While you are correct that Texans are generally rednecks, don't dismiss the kind, warm, friendly, patriotic spirit of Texas because of this single redneck retard.
on Aug 16, 2005
I don't Tex. I remind myself that there are millions of folks just like you still living there
on Aug 16, 2005
Guy. A MAINSTREAM media report please. Not that drivel you righties call "news" Hell, i don't even care if it's Fox News.
on Aug 16, 2005

Guy. A MAINSTREAM media report please. Not that drivel you righties call "news" Hell, i don't even care if it's Fox News.

AP via Fort Worth Star Telegram

I was not aware that the AP was a member of the vast right wing conspiracy.

on Aug 16, 2005
Can't get to it Guy. Gotta subscribe. But i re-read the article from your link. Nowhere does it have a direct quote of Cindy stating that dubya was a "murderer". Just some heresay from some guy who might or might not been within earshot of her.

Also according to Stute, the AP is part of the vast LEFT wing conspiracy... ::
on Aug 16, 2005
This thread is a good representation of how it should be done folks. Civil and rational discussion. Not dissent via a truck bumper. I wish the folks hanging out in Crawford would work it out in such a manner. We don't have to agree, and some of us rarely do. But my point is that there are better ways to disagree and make your points than resulting to reckless and potentially dangerous acts.

That's what makes America great. Agreeing to disagree!
on Aug 16, 2005
20 by Dr. Guy
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I was not aware that the AP was a member of the vast right wing conspiracy.

only when they print something not trashing the right, just a simple questioning of the left is enough for them to branded rightwing zealots.
on Aug 16, 2005

Also according to Stute, the AP is part of the vast LEFT wing conspiracy...

It is!  So if they carry it, it must be true!

on Aug 16, 2005
Uhm...Guy? You're crackin me up today man. ::
on Aug 16, 2005
hey doc? if we keep whipsawing thatoneguy enough maybe we can convert him to the rightside. eh eh eh eh eh
on Aug 16, 2005
Not bloody likely Mod... I believe in freedom being non-profit. (rimshot)

I'm Kidding...I'll be here all week folks. Try the FISH!
on Aug 16, 2005

Not bloody likely Mod... I believe in freedom being non-profit. (rimshot)

Mod, now he is mixing religion and Politics!  Uh, OneGuy, Separation of Church and state?  It's in there!

on Aug 16, 2005
Whatever happened to the good old american counter protest? Ever think of that? IF someone protests and you don't like it...You conterprotest! Not drive your chevy through the other guys.

A) There are counter protests (of the kind you approve).

If burning a flag is protected as free speech, why isn't driving a pickup through some crosses free speech? Isn't it meant to say something political? Didn't it accomplish saying that? (You seem to have gotten the message.) And isn't that a counter protest?

Now, if someone stood up with a bullhorn and yelled, "I believe all them soldiers issa bunch of a-holes and got what they deserved!' we would all find that equally reprehensible, but isn't that his right to say (and your right to disagree with)? Just because something's reprehensible doesn't make it off limits.

That notwithstanding, the driver probably committed some type of moving violation, and was arrested.

By the way, I wonder what the legality of planting two-tenths of a mile of crosses is. Is it public land? Do they have a permit to erect 1000+ feet worth of crosses? If it's private land, do they have permission? Just wondering.

From the story you linked:

The protesters acknowledged the area has been crowded but said they have kept it clean and quiet.

Not if they littered the road with 1000+ feet of crosses they haven't.

I've seen people get their panties in a knot over government workers removing those roadside shrines that pop-up where someone is killed in a car crash, too. Governments regularly have to remove all kinds of cross memorials. While I can sympathize with the intent and feelings of those who erect them, it doesn't mean the "memorials" have any right to be there. (Yes, I'm not equating the trucker running them over with officials removing them. There's no comparison there. That was just a further meditation on the crosses legality regardless of their intent.)

I think the pick-up driver's anger, frustration, and message are as understandable as the protesters'. In many ways this is just one more case of being against the actions of those you don't agree with, and for those you do. I'm just glad he had at least enough presence of mind to only mow down representation of people rather than actual people.
on Aug 16, 2005
If burning a flag is protected as free speech, why isn't driving a pickup through some crosses free speech? Isn't it meant to say something political? Didn't it accomplish saying that? (You seem to have gotten the message.) And isn't that a counter protest?

Interesting way to look at it, but that's burning your OWN flag. It's not protected "speech" if you go to a vet's house and take his flag down and burn it. Then you're destroying someone else's property.

It gets pretty complicated here, because discussion could turn to who owned the land and whether Cindy and her group had permission to place the crosses there, etc.

Regardless, the pickup truck driver's act of "counter protest" makes me sick, and I consider it to be very disrespectful of our military and particularly of those service members who have given their lives for our country.
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