Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Let's hope so
Published on July 28, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In International
The IRA announced today that they intend to disarm, demilitarize, and join the political process.


I think the Unionists are a little skeptical, but the IRA has never made statements like this. It will be interesting to see if it goes through. And if it does, will the Unionists follow suit?

Thanks for reading,

on Jul 28, 2005
A *BUMP* to the North. Hopefully my people will stop killing each other once and for all
on Jul 28, 2005
IT Girl already blogged on it. It appears so Joe. I just heard Blair saying it is a great day and sign. may we all pray it is so.
on Jul 28, 2005
Damn, must have missed it, i slept in today
on Jul 28, 2005
Damn, must have missed it, i slept in today

Dont worry. Good news cannot be shouted about enough!
on Jul 28, 2005
"And if it does, will the Unionists follow suit?"

Which Unionists would that be?
on Jul 28, 2005
Yeah! lets hope it stays peaceful...though i do not think every IRA follower feels the same...time will tell...
on Jul 29, 2005
All of them Leauki.
on Jul 29, 2005
Thanks for noticing Doc

Time will tell is right. There are a couple of things which will demonstrate the republican movement's commitment to peace.

1. Join the Police Service of Northern Ireland. This was reformed following the Good Friday Agreement as it had been a Protestant Police force essentially. The nationalist SDLP encourage people to join, but Sinn Fein to this point has actively discouraged it. Sending a message that the state police force is kosher, will demonstrate that they are committed to peaceful and democratic means, and do not need the alternative police force that the IRA often assumed the role of in republican areas - an effective symbol that the war really is 'over'.

2. Give up the £200 million crime racket that the IRA currently benefits from. Drugs, extortion, protection money, prostitution, organised crime, fraud, smuggling... on and on.

The statement is a lot clearer this time than it was last time, but the verification methods are the same as they proposed in 2003. This wasn't good enough for Paisley then (he wanted photographs) so I wonder if/why it is good enough now. That said, the British governments must think they will play ball as it is unlikely the choreography would have been allowed to progress for egg to be on everyone's faces again.

A lot of unionists will have a hard time with this statement, despite the universal welcomes from all over the world. It basically says, no regrets, no disbandment - and for a lot of people, that isn't good enough.

As for 'unionists' disbanding, I think you mean the loyalist paramilitaries. Given that they are currently killing eachother in a feud in Belfast, I think some kind of armistice is unlikely. There is a feeling in the loyalist community that they have been left out in the cold. Sinn Fein, as the largest nationalist party in Northern Ireland, gets invited to London, persuaded to persuade the IRA to disarm, and offered various carrots and sticks to do so. The Loyalists are effectively politically homeless, as the parties who did represent them failed to get re-elected. Not having been offered the same carrots as republicans, they will not be in any mood to be told to reciprocate any acts of decommissioning.

The IRA also know how good this makes them look. Timing is everything.
on Jul 29, 2005
You are correct ITgirl. The loyalists are just as dangerous as the IRA is/was. and just as heavily armed. The killing needs to stop.

Killing each other in what is basically a turf war is pointless.

Thanks for the info