Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Like a pitbull on a porkchop...I'm hanging on!
Published on February 16, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Blogging
I was reading some posts today and just happened to look in the upper left corner.

I broke 10,000 points sometime this morning!

I really don't care about rankings around here too much ( I just like to post and read others) but it's kind of a milestone here at JU. Ive been here for about 8 months and never thought i would get to this level. When i initially joined i came to the conclusion that i would be a fairly minor player around these parts, (still am) but i started thinking about it and realized points mean that people are actually READING and COMMENTING on what i post! Some other blogging sites i have been on in the past.....ZIP!

My message actually gets out to people, Wether you agree or not. You read it and reply. That makes me very happy and pretty intellectually fulfilled (big words...Just learned em!)

Just wanted to say...MUCHOS GRACIAS JU.

Thanks for reading,

on Feb 16, 2005
I hope you stick around for 10K more! I enjoy your stuff...
on Feb 16, 2005
Congrats man. It is great to have you here.
on Feb 16, 2005
Congratulations, here's a few more
on Feb 16, 2005

A compliment of the highest order. Thanks!


We Utah boys gotta stick together! I felt less alone on JU the day i discovered your blog. It's an honor to call you a friend.

(even though you're a Davis County boy) ::
on Feb 16, 2005
Congratulations, but be careful!  You dont want to turn into a points whore!
on Feb 16, 2005
Congratulations, here's an insightful, so you can get to 20.000 faster
on Feb 16, 2005
(((Raising my 32ozer of Mt. Dew)))) Here's to your next trip around the 10,000 block!!!!

I saw you replied to my "Commercial", is it egocentric of me to hope that it was that reply that put you over the top (or just hoping to be part of your minor, yet satisfying milestone)?

I don't agree with you very often, but you're stuff is worth a read

(Even if you are a Salt Lake County boy). Davis High Rules!!! ;~D
on Feb 16, 2005
Now that you mention it Ted....I think it was! Thanks! And i forgot SLC was outnumbered around here.


Thank you sir. Always the worthy advesary!


A ray of sunshine all the time. Thanks!

on Mar 07, 2005
you bee my favorite blogger mister. and you have scored waaaaay more points with me than a mere 10,000.
Love you
-the bee-ster
on Mar 07, 2005
Wow, you're high upon the blogpole! It's really a lot of reading and writing to get to your level.
on Mar 07, 2005
Congratulations, but be careful! You dont want to turn into a points whore!

And just what is wrong with being a points whore???
on Mar 11, 2005
Figures Mano would mention "points whoring" ::