Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Where's Mr. Spock when you need him?
Published on February 10, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Politics
Howdy folks,

I should warn you this is a mini-rant.

Some of the arguements going on around here lately are a freakin joke.

People on both side of the aisle are having little mini wars over the smallest things. A reflection of how divided this country really is in my opinion. A sad statement in general.
I have to admit that i'm also guilty of this behavior. I guess that sometimes you get so emotionally involved in a political discussion you sometimes lose control. You get caught up in how wrong the other person is, and feel obligated to pound them into the dirt for being that way. You pity them for being blind, yet you can't resist smacking them in the back of the head once in a while. I understand. I've been there.

I will read posts (from both sides, the nice thing about being a moderate) and wonder "what the f**k? How retarded IS this person? I didn't think someone could smoke this much crack and still operate a computer!" I'm sure most of you have had similar experiences. I guess it's part of the whole blogging process. Maybe it's arrogance on my part. Maybe i'm just naive. Maybe the other person is as ignorant as i think they are, maybe i'm the one who is ignorant. NAH! It couldn't be ME! That's just impossible!

Sometimes people deliberately write inacurate and mean sprited posts because they feel it is the only way to drive their point home. They will spin, twist, maipulate, and outright lie to make their point. My grandfather used to tell me "Dont write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash". I have tried to live by this statement. I think i have done a pretty good job at heeding his advice. It doesn't make me a better person than the next . It doesn't make me smarter or wiser. Just a little more aware of what i'm trying to say. I wish some of you would heed his advice because this shit going on here is pathetic.
Where did the american political experience take such a nasty turn? If you ask a republican they will say "the minute dubya took office". If you ask a democrat they will say "the minute bubba took office". If you ask a libertarian (apologies to Gid) they will say "how stupid are you?...It's BOTH their fault!" That's the problem. Every group is unwilling to take any resposibility for their actions anymore. It's always the other guys fault. What a load!

I think we all need to take a step back and look at what has been going on around here as of late. It's not a bad thing to disagree. Our whole system of government is based on debate and the freedom to have and voice your opinion. Just because you believe in something does NOT make you a fascist or a pinko. It just means you have a different opinion than the next person. That's what makes America the greatest country in the world. We have the ability to disagree and debate. That is not a license to berate, manipulate, twist, and speak half truths and fallacies. It is also not justification to act like a bunch of children either. I really was never a big fan of Ronald Reagan, but there were qualities that he posessed that i really admired. He had the ability to put politics aside and have civil and meaningful discussions with the other side. He always said, "i'm a republican until 5:00pm. Then i'm just Ronald Reagan". He would openly befriend democrats and have drinks with Tip O'Neill. He understood that no matter what your position on the issue, rational and friendly dialogue was the key to getting things done. I wish more politicians and private citizens would heed his advice.

As a country we do a great diservice to ourselves by bickering and skirmishing on matters that are minor. That doesn't mean i'm advocating a big bipartisan lovefest either. Just a little sanity is all.

Over the past few months i feel as if i have had a good learning experience about the other team. I don't agree with them most of the time, but i admire their determination. Not their tactics. The same can be said about some of my friends on the left. But there is a darkside to this. Righties accuse me of being of being a "LLL" (is that the correct abbreviation guys?) The lefties call me a "sellout". Okay, fine by me. You are entitled to your opiniions, but that doesn't make them accurate. They're just opinions. Much like assholes, everybody has them. But you're both wrong!

In closing, all i ask is fo a little more civility and accuracy around here. I don't think it's too much to ask. We don't have to like each other or have a big "lovefest". We are never going to completely agree most of the time. I would kill my blog if we did. I enjoy the sparring and banter. I'm just sick and tired of the bullshit.

Okay, time to tear me a new one...Let's hear it!

Thanks for reading,

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 10, 2005
I'm not much for arguing politics because of this very reason. But a good banter is good to have. Let's hope all sides will listen to reason. And to quote George from Seinfeld, "Serenity now, serenity now!" No pun intended.
on Feb 10, 2005

God bless you serenity And thanks.
on Feb 10, 2005

"Dont write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash".

How about: "Talking like a man with a paper ass."

I like your grandfather's better tho!

on Feb 10, 2005
Great post, to the point. not much "heat" FAIR and BALANCED. good work.My pops saying was {cause he was a small man in physical statue} Its not the size of the dog in the fight its the size of the fight in the dog" GOD I miss that man.. Love you pop.
on Feb 10, 2005
Both are very good quotes.

My grandfather was a short Irish heathen who liked his bourbon and a smoke, fought in a world war, worked with his hands for 60 years and only had a 8th grade education.

He was the smartest man i ever met.
I think a lot of people from his generation posessed this type of wisdom as well.
on Feb 10, 2005
Great article. Sometimes I'm arguing with theses bozos and I'll point out a logical fallacy or some such thing in their arguments; I might as well be playing B-ball with a retarded child and calling him for double dribbling.

People don't like logic much. Speaking as a B&M INTP personality type (The Logician), I have a lifetime of experience with this. Next time someone is spouting nonsense try saying "That's illogical" and check out what kind reaction you get: they'll look at you like some kind of Spock Freak. Calling someone an 'Einstein' (another famous INTP) is considered somewhat of an insult.

With respect to the particular brand of illogical nonsense here at JU I can think of two reasons for it: a) lack of effective moderation - we know who the trolls are, Dr. Guy, Dr. Miller, et al, but nothing is done about it, and proliferation of talk radio/partisan spin punditry. People hear Rush Limbaugh and those Crossfire clowns using bad logic and yelling a lot to make a point and think this is an acceptable level of civilized discourse.

David St. Hubbins
on Feb 10, 2005
Reply By: thatoneguyinslcPosted: Thursday, February 10, 2005

My grandfather was a short Irish heathen who liked his bourbon and a smoke, fought in a world war, worked with his hands for 60 years and only had a 8th grade education.

pop fought in ww2, also was 5ft 7 and about 170, liked his whisky, came from turkey to america just in time for the great depression. worked like a mule till cancer took him from me in 1962 I was 14 then .
on Feb 10, 2005
Reply By: foreverserenityPosted: Thursday, February 10, 2005I'm not much for arguing politics because of this very reason. But a good banter is good to have. Let's hope all sides will listen to reason. And to quote George from Seinfeld, "Serenity now, serenity now!"

I ain't even gonna go there "the serenity now comment" now I gotta give my dirty old man snicker .. eh eh eh eh eh eh.... SMILE
on Feb 10, 2005

He was the smartest man i ever met.
I think a lot of people from his generation posessed this type of wisdom as well.

Wisdom comes with age and experiences.  perhaps one day we will be as wise and coin our own quotes for our grandchildren.

on Feb 10, 2005

pop fought in ww2, also was 5ft 7 and about 170, liked his whisky, came from turkey to america just in time for the great depression. worked like a mule till cancer took him from me in 1962 I was 14 then .

Mine was a Cajun, from the bayous of Lousiana.  Fought in WWII as well, and lived life to the fullest.  He died of cancer as well in 80.  But he left his mark on me.  He was about 5'4", but he was my male role model (My bio father was gone when I was 4, and my step, while well meaning, was a weak man).

on Feb 10, 2005
Ya know, when i wrote this earlier today, i figured that it would turn into the usual screamfest. I'm glad it didn't. It proves my point that if we focus we can find a way to work through our differences and speak plainly to each other without getting ugly.

I have also found out that we are really not that different. Sounds as if Guy, Mod, and myself are cut from similar cloth.

I never would have seen that coming. But it's nice to know.

on Feb 13, 2005
Great article. Sometimes I'm arguing with theses bozos and I'll point out a logical fallacy or some such thing in their arguments; I might as well be playing B-ball with a retarded child and calling him for double dribbling.

Wow... I'm gonna search for all your posts here so maybe I's can get me some learnin'. Why didn't you tell us befo' how smart you is? I never had no idea I was ignorin' such a genius.

With intelligent, fact-filled & helpful posts like the one I quoted, we here at JU are truly fortunate to have you among us, DSH. Let me be the first to acknowledge your Einsteinian intellect, your Wilde side, your dapper glamour. I know it pains you greatly, having to lower yourself to our level to post, but please, please, please continue to make the sacrifice, for the benefit of us all. We need you. The unwashed here are truly unworthy, but I beg you, do not forsake us.

The most over-rated thing in life is a bad lay. The most under-rated thing in life is a good shit, and I just had one.

on Feb 13, 2005
Sorry, thatoneguyinslc, but it is bizarre in the extreme for DSH to drop that opinionated, arrogant, snobbish bomb in your thread, and do it in the name of LOGIC. Jesus, he is clueless.

on Feb 13, 2005
Thatoneguyinslc, you're my new best friend! I too have been advocating civil discussion, but I haven't been called a sellout by other lefties yet. Still waiting

My grandfather is an Irish from Brooklyn, moved here as a child. He fought in World War II as well. He's a devout Catholic, and I, not being brought up in a very religious background (my parents are Democrats, he's a Republican ) attribute every religious belief I have to him. I probably have a better relationship with him than with my parents, my dad is almost never home, and my mom, well, we just don't do much. Anyway, I've been rambling, great article!
on Feb 13, 2005

Great article. Sometimes I'm arguing with theses bozos and I'll point out a logical fallacy or some such thing in their arguments; I might as well be playing B-ball with a retarded child and calling him for double dribbling.

People don't like logic much. Speaking as a B&M INTP personality type (The Logician), I have a lifetime of experience with this. Next time someone is spouting nonsense try saying "That's illogical" and check out what kind reaction you get: they'll look at you like some kind of Spock Freak. Calling someone an 'Einstein' (another famous INTP) is considered somewhat of an insult.

With respect to the particular brand of illogical nonsense here at JU I can think of two reasons for it: a) lack of effective moderation - we know who the trolls are, Dr. Guy, Dr. Miller, et al, but nothing is done about it, and proliferation of talk radio/partisan spin punditry. People hear Rush Limbaugh and those Crossfire clowns using bad logic and yelling a lot to make a point and think this is an acceptable level of civilized discourse.

David St. Hubbins

Why don't you keep you personal comments to yourself. If you have something of intelligence to add to the coversation, fine. Other than that, SHUT your BIG, IGNORANT MOUTH.

Sorry about the highjack, thatoneguyinsic.
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