Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
From MSNBC TV 1:27 pm PST
Published on January 14, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Current Events
According to MSNBC TV, an extremely large avalanche has fallen on The Canyons ski resort, at least one and possibly up to 15 skiers are missing. apparantly they were in an out of bounds area, and brought it down on themselves. I know this part of the resort pretty well, and have skied Dutch Draw a few times.The hills are a dangerous place sometimes.

If you ski or board, always remember that. Link

on Jan 15, 2005
Wow, sort of surreal to hear those sorts of things happening to places I have been. I hope everyone is safe and secure. Mighty harsh way to learn a lesson.
on Jan 16, 2005
Is everyone okay??
on Jan 16, 2005
So far, five missing under 30 ft of snow. Fortunately nobody we know