Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Are we shooting at the wrong guys or what?
Published on November 7, 2004 By thatoneguyinslc In Politics

Big suprise here eh folks?

Thanks for reading,

on Nov 07, 2004

at least til the oil runs out....

a couple hours ago i posted an article in which the fatwa was described (and quoted too) in context of todays violence in samarra (the model for fallouja...jeez).  theres a link in mine to an incredible report about the first battle for fallouja you might wanna check out (published by la times then copied and posted to my blog site). 

considering the fact that we provided the insurgents with weapons and vehicles in fallouja (voluntarily) and with explosives thru negilence and poor planning (al-qaqaa), it's time for a new secretary of defense at very least in addition to bringing in someone who cant be intimidated by the president or the saudis when dealing with them.

ya know whenever the events of the first gulf war are analyzed--even by its strongest advocates--there's a point at which it becomes clear that while iraq taking kuwait was a problem, the real motivation was keeping iraq outta saudi arabia.

on Nov 07, 2004
What really upsets me the most about this is that our government is propping up the house of Saud, who in turn are letting these clerics release these fatwas.
on Nov 07, 2004
I agree this is disgusting, but I'm not surprised. There has always been significant anti-American sentiment in Saudi Arabia (9/11 comes to mind) despite the diplomatic cooperation and economic ties between the countries. I've always felt the Saudis were duplicitous and have no reason to alter that opinion. Realpolitik, for better or worse, governs our official relationship with the country.
