Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
You people are making me sick....Really!
Published on November 5, 2004 By thatoneguyinslc In Politics
I have been pretty good natured about the results of this years presidential election. I figure the will of the people has been done...Good or bad, they have spoken. That's the way the system works. He who gets the votes wins. You would think that as adults we could accept the results and go on with the regular business of the day on JU. Like debating issues, discussing subjects other than politics, making jokes, and discussing our everyday lives..Some of us have. And some of us are acting like spoiled fucking children. Here are my examples.

Repubs: I have to admit, the majority of you have been really good about the election. But some of you are just in serious need of a severe beating. Did you act like this when you were kids and decide it was acceptable behavior in your adult life? Did you revel in geting your parents to take your side in an arguement with a sibling and then taunt them as soon as your parents left the room? You would think that since you are soooo fucking enamored with your president you might follow his example of reconciliation as opposed to tormenting the losing side.. GROW THE FUCK UP FOR GODS SAKES! This ain't elementary school people. Act accordingly ok?

Dems: You are an embarrassment to our party! Did you NOT listen to John Kerry the other day? Are you fucking DEAF? Or are you just retarded?
He specifically pleaded with us to try to work it all out, but yet you advocate open revolution and whine and cry about a fraudulent election...Guess what. It was a fair election. Accept it, move on, and plan for 2008. They have nobody. We will get our chance so SHUT THE FUCK UP already. Life is a contact sport people, if you can't handle a shot in the nuts once in a while....maybe you shouldnt show up for practice! You make me sick.

All you jesus revelation assholes posting in my blog: ENOUGH! This is not the end of days. bush 2.0 is NOT the antichrist. You people are fucking wackos and nobody at JU takes you seriously. If you are so worried about bush 2.0 causing the rapture. Make peace with your god, and leave me the fuck alone. I hate you all and hope you die!

I just don't understand it people. You would think that as adults we would know better than this. I thought for the most part, we were all intelligent rational people capable of creative and thought provoking blogs?

I guess i was wrong.

I'm done....I'm gonna watch Sealab and get away from you assholes for a while.

And thanks to all of you who are behaving like adults. You are the only thing keeping me from cancelling my JU account right now.

Thanks for reading,

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2004
I congratulate you on a spectacularly rantful rant, thatoneguy! Your rants are bursting with a seething kind of passion that is unmatched here on JU.
on Nov 05, 2004
Thanks Tex....
on Nov 05, 2004
thatoneguyinslc, and thank you for your complimenting my blog article yesterday. I appreciate it.
on Nov 05, 2004

I'm gonna watch Sealab and get away from you assholes for a while

whomever is angry with his brother, he shalt be liable to judgment, and whomever sayeth unto his brother, 'raqa,' shalt answereth to the sanhedrin, and whomever says, 'thou fool,' shalt be liable to the fires of gehenna.

i guess youre safe there.  it dont sayeth nothin bout saying unto us 'sealab' or callething uth athholes.

on Nov 05, 2004
Very nice....passionate and very right! I'm glad you decided not to leave
on Nov 05, 2004
on Nov 05, 2004
Gotta agree with one thing for sure. You definitely are sick.
on Nov 05, 2004

I think it all boils down to lack of respect for others.  I truly think that is one of the biggest problems in our society today.  When someone takes a stance, I, unlike many assume that person has a good reason and try to understand that reason.  It would seem most think anyone with a differing view from their own is just stupid, unenlightened or evil.

It's like BlueDev said "I'm right.  You're stupid".  That is the sentiment that is running rampant and creating the great divide between Americans right now.  Although I do believe that anyone who thinks Bush is either a savior or the antichrist is stark raving loony.

on Nov 05, 2004
I'm deaf and I agree that there who didn't listen to Kerry is more deaf than me.

"There is none more deaf than those who don't listen."

There is none more blind as people who won't see." ( forgot who said this )
on Nov 05, 2004
thatoneguy--Fantastic rant, needed to be said, and you said it so vehemently. Perfect.
on Nov 05, 2004

Awesome post you one guy in slc!!

There can be only none!!
Hesh Rulez!! One Hesh to rule them all!! Hesh is the ONE!!
I love Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Venture Brothers, ATHF, Brak, and Adult Swim in general...good times, good times!!

The Cold War is over...WE WON!
Ocult Svim Plinko!!

on Nov 05, 2004
thatoneguyinslc, thank you for your complimenting my blog article yesterday. I appreciate it.

No problemo T-Bone...It was a very good post. I am impressed with your skill as a blogger. Keep it up!

Very nice....passionate and very right! I'm glad you decided not to leave

Sally, you are one of the folks who are keeping me around


Awwww Zombie you always say that...

And if ive hijacked your thread with a mini rant of my own, i hope you'll forgive me,

Whip, i could never get mad at ya. I have always respected your grit and dedication to your beliefs, even if i don't agree with you. But i honestly feel that in this case, we should just all let it go.

Gotta agree with one thing for sure. You definitely are sick

Yeah...Sick and tired of assholes like you..It's like my grandma always said..Go fuck yourself junior!

I think it all boils down to lack of respect for others. I truly think that is one of the biggest problems in our society today.

Jill, i totally agree. By the way... I want to thank you and Brad for being part of the gracious winners. I wish some of the righties would follow your lead.

I'm deaf and I agree that there who didn't listen to Kerry is more deaf than me.

Right on the money XX....Dead on!

Fantastic rant, needed to be said, and you said it so vehemently

Doc....Thanks. You know i value your opinions. You truly are one of the greats on JU.

Awesome post you one guy in slc!!

Grim, i know you and i have had our differences in the past. But lately i have grown to respect your opinions and ya crack me up constantly. But i'm all for Dr Quinn!

I woke up this morning and told myself i wasn't going to blog today because of how upset i was last night. I'm glad i did...THANKS people!
on Nov 05, 2004
thatoneguy.... if you left...I would have to climb on one of the poorly funded UTA buses around here, and go down there to slc, and kick your butt, then force you to get back on!!
on Nov 05, 2004
Kingbee, i almost forgot you! I was pretty pissed off last night, and Adult swim did the trick....Haven't seen much of you lately. By far you are my favorite blogger on the left!
on Nov 05, 2004
I think a lot of us moderates feel really uncomfortable with what's been happening in cyberspace as of late.... and this is a great articulation of the madness of both sides pushing into the middle.... well said.
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