Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Our country is at a crossroads
Published on November 3, 2004 By thatoneguyinslc In Politics
Now that the election is over and it's clear that bush 2.0 will be serving another term with a republican mandate and a seriously divided country. Where do we go from here? Is it possible to put all the bitterness aside?

Do we choose to see this as an opportunity to finally get back to trying to solve the pressing issues of the day, or do we let the anger and bitterness continue on both sides? Does our president and his administration see this as an opportunity to try to unite the country by stepping to the middle or do they keep sliding to the right? I guess we shall see. What do you think?

I for one am just glad it's all over without the repeat of 2000. John Kerry did the honorable thing in conceeding in my opinion. I am PROUD to call myself a democrat today!

And most importantly, we proved to the world that the system WORKS...God Bless America!

Thanks for reading,

on Nov 03, 2004
i agree.....i think personally think with Kerry honorably conceding like he had done, it sends a powerful message to not only the international community, but to terrorists abroad.....that message? America can be bound together
on Nov 03, 2004
Wow, the first sane anti-Bush response I have read on Joe User today. Maybe things can be healed.

on Nov 03, 2004
Where do we go? Nowhere. We stay right where we are. Do a bit of evolving.
on Nov 03, 2004
Anything is possible Smitty. And thanks!

Myr, Evolving is the key. I just hope we dems can get over it and the repubs don't see this as an opportunity to rule with impunity. We shall see.