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An open letter to George W from Michael Moore
Moore fires another volley at Bush 2.0
Published on August 28, 2004 By
I saw this today, and thought i would post the link and open up yet another discussion (probably more like a screaming match).
I should say for the record... I don't always agree with Michael Moore, but he makes a few good points here.
Let the games.....BEGIN!!
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Comments (Page 5)
5 Pages
on Aug 31, 2004
Go Muggaz...GO!! You tell him!
on Aug 31, 2004
"I know it's not America's fault that terrorist attack"
that says it all
Spc Nobody Special
on Aug 31, 2004
there is no constitutional right to privacy
I am conservative, but I disagree, while there is no specific garauntee of this right, it is covered under the ninth amendment, concerning unenumerated rights (or rights not specifically mentioned.
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
While originally interpreted by law to mean that if it wasn't in the Bill of rights, it wasn't necessarily covered, over the last century, it has come to mean exactly the opposite, that we do have certain unalienable rights garuanteed us, although not specifically mentioned by the Constitution, including a certain amount of right to privacy.
on Aug 31, 2004
Because America cannot survive as a single entity, when will Americans learn that there is a world beyond their shores and it is far more important? Of course, I am referring to Britain and more specifically England. England is the world's greatest nation, that is why America so slavishly imitates us in a bid to appear a "superpower".
All I have to say, it's alot damn harder to get a good fish and chips over here, than a good hamburger and burrito over across the pond in the U.K.
Coca-Cola, Nike, Reebok, Pepsi, Lucky Strike, etc. list could go on, but with both sides being partisan we need an outside voice, maybe Japan, Germany, etc. not France though because they are just as arrogant as the U.S. and Britain.
In my humble opinion both nations make up the greatest nation on this planet Earth, the U.S. and the U.K., but my question is what's up with the Royal Family, no disrespect intended, but why keep one, or why pay for one? Shouldn't the Prime Minister be enough without paying for Prince Charles Polo sessions, could save some money there. Be downright hiliarious to see the Royal Family actually work for living, hmm sounds like a good idea for a comedy show. What do you think?
grins wickedly
on Oct 06, 2004
wonder if the families of all the dead soldiers Moore rides on appreciates him waving the bloody shirt to further his career. Moore isn't an activist, he is P.T. Barnum, enjoying his well-earned seat in the Presidential box at the DNC. No doubt this "letter" will garner him a bit more publicity before his TWO other books come out before the election...
Thank YOU!!!!!! And AMEN!!!!
*Bush Supporters Anonymous*
on Oct 06, 2004
Reply #14 By: thatoneguyinslc - 8/29/2004 11:47:46 AM
I haven't seen Bush throw mud at anyone that served.
That's because he has his pitbull Karl Rove to do it for him. Well....Him and the swifties.
Get off the Swift Boat Vets! There is no evidence linking them to Bush. On the other hand they have shown how MoveOn.org is tied into the Kerry campaign.
Ever hear of the My Lai Massacre
My Lai was a one time fluke, not the norm! And while I'm thinking about it, just how old are you? I was around when MyLai happened. Were you?
on Oct 06, 2004
Reply #16 By: thatoneguyinslc - 8/29/2004 12:10:22 PM
You just don't get it and never will. The world has a hell of a lot more respect for Kerry than they EVER will Bush 2.0.
Don't hold your breath on that one. You'll turn blue and die.
on Oct 06, 2004
Reply #44 By: Flybynight458 - 8/29/2004 9:19:08 PM
"You are either hopelessly naive or hopelessly partisan. Does ANYONE with a brain really believe that either candidate lacks control over the direction of the interest group ads? Bush is trying to have it both ways -- let the attacks do their damage, and then after a few weeks take the moral high ground in denouncing them."
It's all Bush huh? Then why is it we don't hear Kerry condemning the 527's????
on Oct 06, 2004
Reply #38 By: Zoomie - 8/29/2004 5:01:38 PM
Moore is a lifetime member of the NRA;
Where did you get this information? I am a lifetime member of the NRA and I don't recall EVER seeing his name on the members lists.
on Oct 06, 2004
Reply #58 By: thatoneguyinslc - 8/31/2004 6:09:18 AM
It's not partisanship. Do you have to go through that kind of stuff when you go to work? No? Well i do! There has to be a way to balance it out. It's not like i expect no checks at all. Its a fact of life nowadays, but almost every single time? Thats just intrusive. You need to lay off the "partisanship" label Drag...You don't have much room to talk about mindless partisanship yourself.
There is no way to balance this out without *someone* crying "FOUL"!
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