Time for yet another update of the continuing saga known as....
Chapter 4: The lineup.
I arrived at the Jail around 12:15 pm. I figured i'd better get there plenty early and check in after the two previous failed attempts. But this time...It was on
All the players were assembled. Me, the ADA, The Defense Weasel, even the dumbass jailer who created the whole mess with his incompetence. It was like a dysfunctional family reunion...All we needed was a dirtbag under glass, and the cast was complete.
I don't know if any of you have ever been through a police line-up. It's real simple. Everybody heads into a room with black painted walls, and two rows of chairs. There's a big curtain that when pulled back, reveals the suspects behind soundproof, one-way glass.
So i'm sitting there and they start the show. The curtain pulls back, and there they are...Six of them.
I was worried that I might not be able to recognize him. Ten months is a long time. The freakin curtain had barely had barely cleared him, and I blurted out...
"#5!...That's him!"
The Defense weasel, who was conveinently sitting in my blind spot in the second row...Got up and walked out. The ADA just smiled, and gave me a thumbs up.
Damn right it was a good day!
Next hearing: 8/15/2006. The re-re-re-scheduled Preliminary Hearing. I get to look him in the eyes for the first time since the night of the accident. I can't wait.
Thanks for reading,