Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
Published on February 10, 2005 By thatoneguyinslc In Current Events
Like we didn't know this already. Link

They have also pulled out of all nuke negotiations. Remind me again why We didn't nip this one in the bud?

Thanks for reading,

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 10, 2005

Remind me again why We didn't nip this one in the bud?

Because Clinton was President.  And he and Albright decided on a policy of appeasement instead of doing the right, and hard thing.  So he sold us down the river for his legacy, and then Carter had the audacity to go over there and call Kim Jung Mentally Il a noble stateman?

on Feb 10, 2005
Uhm.....You're forgetting Ronnie and bush 1.0 not doing a damn thing and dubya cutting off their fuel oil deal.....NEXT!
on Feb 10, 2005
The real question is, how could be go for 50 years building global dominance on the back of a nuclear arsenal and NOT expect other countries to view it as an easy path to prominence? This is the misbegotten love child of the USA and USSR, and it wants some attention from its parents.
on Feb 10, 2005
p.s. Dr. Guy's response is typical. Everything was Clinton's fault. I heard Clinton was responsible for the AIDS virus and the extinction of the dinosaurs. Not to mention Clinton was the mystery shooter on the grassy knoll and was the guy who let in the Trojan Horse that fateful day at Troy.

on Feb 10, 2005
I agree Myr. This problem has existed for a long time.

Bubba wouldn't have been on the grassy knoll. He admired JFK's "mack daddyness" too much!
on Feb 10, 2005
I guess we're gonna do like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and sit and wait until we get alot of people killed. Hey! It's the American way...
on Feb 10, 2005

Uhm.....You're forgetting Ronnie and bush 1.0 not doing a damn thing and dubya cutting off their fuel oil deal.....NEXT!

Not.  Ronnie and Bush 1 did not have the problem, and Bush 2 called them on the cheating and told them unless they stop, the deal was off.  next?

on Feb 10, 2005

Bubba wouldn't have been on the grassy knoll. He admired JFK's "mack daddyness" too much!

Fine, prove me wrong.  It will be interesting to see your efforts.

Bubba was just a bad president on the international scene. Name one sucess he had.  Just one.

on Feb 10, 2005
I still blame the USA and USSR for this. Don't tell everyone you have the best candy in your dish and not expect them to want a piece.
on Feb 10, 2005
The problem has existed since the 50's folks. EVERY president since Harry S. has ducked this one. I will give dubya his due for cutting off the oil shipments , but the fact of the matter is you can't nail this one on one party. It's been a problem for years now. We could have finished them in the late 80's early 90's. I kinda doubt the chinese would get into it as well. They see the North Koreans as much of a roadblock as we do. China is more of a capitalist state nowadays, and their support of the N. Korean dictatorship has cost them a lot of foreign $$$ that would have been invested in their exploding economy.

They would make a fuss, but i think in the end pretty much everybody would shed no tears. It's too late now. These morons can hit my house with a missle at will, and it scares the shit outta me.

Harry S. Where are ya when we need ya?
on Feb 11, 2005

The problem has existed since the 50's folks. EVERY president since Harry S. has ducked this one.

Only in so far as a tin plated dictator was left in charge.  And there was not much the UN could do back then with a billion screaming chinese waiting to pour over the border.

The Nuclear threat is from the mid 90s on only.

on Feb 11, 2005
the nuclear threat has been around ever since we dropped a couple of bombs on Japan

since that time, everybody's been wanting that big stick to wave
on Feb 11, 2005
I agree with Myr here.

Given the fact they have always been a rogue nation, they have always aspired to have nuclear weapons. The CIA was aware of their research all the way back in the early 70's.

I really think we dropped the ball at the end of WW2. We should have maintained a military presence then. But as we all know China drove Chaing out in 49 and that's when the wackiness started. Combine that with giving in to the Soviets who had only token involvement with the Pacific War. Truman was dead set againt giving them anything in the reigon, but Churchill talked him into it. Next thing you know the north is invading the south. And here we are some 50 + years later.

on Feb 11, 2005
Remind me again why We didn't nip this one in the bud?

I remember seeing a cartoon in the newspaper around the start of the Iraq war that had Bush in the back of a bomber. The pilot was asking if he wanted to drop some bombs on the NK nuclear reactors on the way to the gulf. The presidents answer was something akin to - "Hell, no! Those dirty cheaters would fight back!" HAHA!

The problem has existed since the 50's folks. EVERY president since Harry S. has ducked this one. I will give dubya his due for cutting off the oil shipments , but the fact of the matter is you can't nail this one on one party. It's been a problem for years now. We could have finished them in the late 80's early 90's. I kinda doubt the chinese would get into it as well. They see the North Koreans as much of a roadblock as we do. China is more of a capitalist state nowadays, and their support of the N. Korean dictatorship has cost them a lot of foreign $$$ that would have been invested in their exploding economy.

All very good points and I agree for the most part.

They would make a fuss, but i think in the end pretty much everybody would shed no tears. It's too late now. These morons can hit my house with a missle at will, and it scares the shit outta me.

Both the South Koreans and Japanese stand to have a lot to lose. While we've been certain for years that they have the weapons, we've also been fairly certain that they lack the long range delivery capability of these weapons. The launch of a missile over the main Japanese island a few years back was viewed to be, at best, a lucky failure by many analysts. So, I'd say if they felt threatened enough to put a missile in the air, if it did indeed reach and hit your home, that would likely be because they aimed/guided it so poorly. If it did come to military action, I don't think it will be NK that initiates it. Kim knows that his reign would be over if he started a fight. We would definetly end up with a situation that would be as bad or worse than Iraq, but his days would be over. So he has no motivation to go beyond saber rattling.

On the other hand, if he were attacked, he'd probably pull out all stops and launch everything, but as I said above, he'd probably 'hit' nothing further than Japan and that would be just because he could.

An additional point... while the 2.1 million person military, the artillery that could sustain constant firing for 24 hours, and the missiles (some of which they'd probably launch in Japans direction just because they can) scare me. I also worry about the 22 million starving refugees (and the SOF operatives that would be perfectly hidden among them) that would flood south.
on Feb 11, 2005
Very good input chip. I should have asked a few of you soldiers who have actually been over there. Thanks!
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