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The last bastion of insanity
Life behind the zion curtain, politics, music, IT, things that go fast, tasteless humor, and everything anti-bush.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....it ain't a water buffalo!
Published on August 31, 2004 By
I found this yesterday. check it out!
This guy kills me. The fact he's the keynote speaker at the RNC just proves he's a repub. If he is one, he should just join the party.
Thanks for reading,
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Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 02, 2004
Actually folks..You're wrong. LBJ is the guy who pushed it through. Strom filibustered for 36 hours. And it was the beginning of the dixiecrat exodus to the repubs.
on Sep 02, 2004
Still think if the people of Georgia didn't like Zell Miller, they wouldn't have elected him, also keep in mind last time I was there (July 2002 to Feb 2004, US Army service), Georgia is a bit of a conservative state, doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican, they are just plain conservative.
on Sep 02, 2004
They didnt elect him...he was appointed to the Senate. He was elected Gov though. I have a lot of family in the Atlanta area, and you're right. GA is very conservative, no matter which party they belong to!
Gideon MacLeish
on Sep 02, 2004
Actually folks..You're wrong. LBJ is the guy who pushed it through. Strom filibustered for 36 hours. And it was the beginning of the dixiecrat exodus to the repubs.
Cosmic Fox
on Sep 02, 2004
Citizen ShoZan nicely put at least. I for one will not watch Bush at all. I see him for how he really is. A conman who is shrewd and dishonest in all his dealings. Rarely does anyone research anything, instead they just believe what a given party says and becomes a non-functioning human and a misinformed voter. Bush had help with all his businesses they all failed besides the baseball purchase and in the end that did not go well. He had many things pushed under the rug like the SEC investigations and how about the guy standing up and admitting he did Bush SR. a favor and got him in the national guard to avoid viet nam. This is our leader? Please he is a coward knows NOTHING about wars. Iraq was just a payback for his daddy almost being killed. I predict more terroists and more attacks because of him. Elect him again and watch our country go down the tubes. I wish people would WAKE UP and do the right thing. Check everthing and do not blindly vote. EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE PART VOTE!!!!
If there was a good GOP running I would vote for him in a heart beat.
on Sep 02, 2004
Please he is a coward knows NOTHING about wars.
You are saying that our duly elected president is a coward, but I distinctly remember history telling us that it was John Kerry who came back from Vietnam and launced attacks against our soldiers, when he should have been helping fight the spread of communism and socialism. I don't want a man who won't stand behind our soldiers the be their commander-in-chief. The President supports our soldiers. John Kerry would rather have our military fighting with spitballs, as the Hon. Zell Miller so eloquently put it.
on Sep 02, 2004
Okay, either way it doesn't matter who exactly is President, America can not be destroyed by that person no matter how strong he/she is, America is more than it's government, it is it's people, and I for one will not allow my country of where I was born to be destroyed by no man, so if it comes to Bush or Kerry gaining enough momentum and intent on really harming our nation physically I will stand against them, and I will not be alone.
History has told us about our Presidents, that in the end hate them or love them, we have survived through all of them, and if you hate Bush, than it will be no different, America will still be here as long as there are people here who believe in the American dream. If other countries have a problem, than no more Coca-cola, Nike (except for China they make it), McDonald's, etc. for you, after all since you hate the Americans than why do you need American products or American Companies, or even American technology, let's quit the damn pissing contest of two dogs marking territory and get along, an ounce of tolerance can go a long way.
Now don't take me wrong, and go on saying I hate other countries, I don't. I love the UK, Australia, Japan, got some problems with China but still like them, Taiwan which should be let into the UN despite China's arguments, Germany, Slovenia, etc., and hell I even tolerate some countries like France (what can I say to them if you ain't French than bug off, but that's because their french), Saudia Arabia, Iran (what can I say it's the religious leaders with too much power causing the problems not the average joe or jane), etc.
Bush is a conman, and Kerry can't stand for anything, but what kind of choices were you expecting with a TWO-PARTY SYSTEM or any party system period.
The problem is nobody can accept anybody in America anymore when it comes to politics, and unless something is done about it, we can only expect things to get worse.
Problem is government has been telling people not to think for so long that few do now when it comes to voters.
on Sep 02, 2004
Also just listening to the news here about Haliburton, I grew up in Oklahoma, and when I left in 1998 Haliburton was going down the tubes, if they had not recieved this contract in Iraq several thousands of Oklahomans would have lost their jobs from Haliburton, and others would have lost their jobs because of their dependence on Haliburton.
on Sep 02, 2004
I don't think the President is a con man, but I agree with ShoZan on most of his points. If you don't like either candidate, then I suggest you vote for Nader, he's been speaking out against the 2 party system for years. And if you can't vote for Nader (thanks to dems who want to keep the two party system), then you can always write him or anyone else in.
Gideon MacLeish
on Sep 02, 2004
Nader has accepted money from the Republican party who have paid him in the hopes he will split the vote with Kerry; this is a matter of public record.
Nader is also an independent, not even a representative of a minor party this year (he split with the Greens when David Cobb got the nomination).
There are third party options outside of Bush and Kerry; I suggest a closer look at the Libertarian Party or the Green Party, depending on the issues important to you.
Cosmic Fox
on Sep 02, 2004
Elected President? Huh? He was appointed by the supreme court last I checked way back in 2000 by a GOP supporter. He went on a hunting trip with Chenney recently. Please, there is not one thing that is true being told about Kerry. RESEARCH IT do not spit out the same junk that all repubilcans are saying. BUSH IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE I do not know why anyone would support this guy.
I find all the comments very funny. Kerry has taken the least amount of lobby money then any other senator those are the facts. $550.000.00 roughly over his 20+ years of service. He did not do what they wanted after he took the money so they stopped going to him.
Bush is a conman if you read his background and dealings with his businesses he had. All the man did most of his life is drink beer, snorted coke, and even toke some weed. He is not what he seems like folks. Read the books they are out there for more reasons then for the authors to make money. Geez.
I am a great saleman.. I can sell ice cubes to an eskimo. I know a conman when I hear and see one. I stopped doing sales because I HATE lying to make money. If you have a good product it will sell itself. Otherwise you get someone who knows how to read people. Tell them what they want to hear. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but mine are from facts I found not what I heard or read on someone post!
No offense to anyone who supports the guy. If he had issues to talk about he would, but instead being he has not really done anything good for this country they attack Kerry and try to discredit him. WAKE UP see the light. It is not about what party to support it is what is best for our country and our children. If he is re-elected his polices will affect this country for the next 10-20 years.
on Sep 02, 2004
Than on the other hand, Kerry makes more money than Bush, and pays less in taxes, so what's the deal with that, and he wants to increase taxes, probably because he still thinks he can get away with the major tax breaks he got. Search the GOOGLE on that one.
on Sep 02, 2004
The rich deserve some income tax breaks. I would be happy to enter a thread with anyone up to it.
on Sep 02, 2004
Folks....this is getting a little off thread here...But very entertaining!
on Sep 02, 2004
No problem, I am here all week to entertain everybody.
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