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Bush losing support from moderate republicans
This is what happens when you polarize the country!
Published on July 31, 2004 By
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I saw this on Yahoo today. I knew this months ago from my work with the Clark campaign! Every week we would have more and more of these folks come to our meetups.
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on Jul 31, 2004
I should point out that the article states at the bottom that its not as big of a crossover number as the "Reagan Democrats" were.
on Jul 31, 2004
Well, it would have to be a pretty big migration equal the Reagan Democrat movement.
on Jul 31, 2004
And I hope as this goes on, more and more come into the light! Bush needs to go.
on Aug 01, 2004
Interviewing a handful of people is hardly a trend. About 90% of Republicans support Bush.
on Aug 01, 2004
Actually... Its closer to 80% but then again republicans are like sheep.
on Aug 01, 2004
Depends on what you call "moderate", i know people who call themselves moderate that are way left of the Democratic platform. Most of the people at the Democratic convention are further left than that platform. Kerry certainly is.
In that light, sure, you might talk some people into believing that they are further left than Bush, but in the end I think people see the distance between themselves and the two candidates philosphically, and only a small minority can overlook it long enough to vote for Kerry over a single issue or two.
No one can look at Kerry's congressional history and call him "moderate". In truth, when comparing records Bush leans further left of his party than Kerry leans right. In that light, I can't see how anyone really "moderate" could make an informed decision to choose Kerry.
on Aug 01, 2004
" Actually... Its closer to 80% but then again republicans are like sheep."
, i think if you are talking about people who interest themselves with politics to fit in, I think you'll find the numbers fall easily on the activist/protester/anti-Bush side. I think the celebrity-worshipping, glamor-sensitive Democratic Party gets a lot more support from the nodding, peer-pressure plagued masses than the Republican Party. You don't parade Ben Affleck and all the rest out there to woo people intellectually.
No, I think "sheep" are the kind of people who would be afraid to say what they really think because they want to be accepted by the herd. I think socially insecure folks who choose their political ethos to feel accepted are soundly more often Democrats. I can't speak about my political beliefs in a social setting without some twit railing at me. Would a sheep pick such an ethos? I don't think so.
on Aug 01, 2004
BakerStreet....What have you been smoking??? Bush LEFT Leaning????? He probably wont even take a left turn in traffic....and his record reflects that.
And the GOP does the same with Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, etc. Both parties use celebs to sell their beliefs to the masses.. The Dems are a factional bunch, always have been, always will be. So i hardly think you can call them sheep.
When i was volunteering for the Clark campaign ( in Utah, the most gung ho neo-con republican state in the US. Remember, Orrin Hatch is our senator) We had many of those folks coming over to us because Bush's stance on a lot of issues scared the hell outta them. The best way it was described to me was from a mormon bishop. He said he loved the GOP, but Bush 2.0 scared the hell outta him.
Not all rebublicans are blind folowers. They have agendas that differ. But as far as this election goes, the majority of them are blindly following GWB. Im still upset with John McCain for not running against him. I like Sen. McCain, and would probably vote for him if he were in the general election.
I should say that i had quite a few drinks when i wrote that last night...lol
on Aug 01, 2004
I like Sen. McCain, and would probably vote for him if he were in the general election.
McCain is one of the "sheep" that supports Bush.
The % of Democrats that support Kerry is close to Bush's percentage, it is around 85%. Are they sheep too? Why is it that someone who supports GWB is a blind follower?
What were the issues that Republicans in Utah differed with Bush on?
on Aug 01, 2004
McCain is loyal to the GOP. I dont think he likes bush and vise versa. Especially after 2.0 tried to roll back his campaign reform act.
CNN had an interesting poll the other day that showed the potential crossovers from each party. I will look it up and post it if i can find it.
And the Mormon repubs that i was referring to felt that Bush had lied about Iraq, the Patriot act was wayy too intrusive, (you have to take into consideration that they were once persecuted by the US government) and Bush 2.0 was not behaving like the so called "fiscal conservative" he claims to be by racking up a deficit that our grandkids will be paying off long after we are all dead and gone. The majority of the Mormons do support Bush 2.0, but then again they supported Nixon too!
on Aug 01, 2004
And the GOP does the same with Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, etc. Both parties use celebs to sell their beliefs to the masses.. The Dems are a factional bunch, always have been, always will be. So i hardly think you can call them sheep.
I never realized that disunity was such a desirable trait.
Not all rebublicans are blind folowers. They have agendas that differ. But as far as this election goes, the majority of them are blindly following GWB. Im still upset with John McCain for not running against him. I like Sen. McCain, and would probably vote for him if he were in the general election.
Most Democrats are "blindly" supporting John F. Kerry because he's
not Bush
. Would you also call them sheeps?
I'm still upset that Hillary Clinton didn't run against Kerry. I like Hillary Clinton and I would vote for her, but I'd never vote for John Kerry. Of course, I understand why neither she nor John McCain ran for President this election.
on Aug 01, 2004
>>Most Democrats are "blindly" supporting John F. Kerry because he's not Bush. Would you also call them sheeps?>>
Not really Joseph. As i said, there will be a significant amount of crossover votes going both ways this year. What i meant is the GOP'ers are not questioning some of the things this president has done in his term. Thats the difference between the dems and the GOP. We always question, the GOP NEVER does. Watergate, Iran Contra, Iraq, Haliburton. etc.. The Dems were all over Bubba during the Lewinsky thing.
Except Teddy Kennedy, he knew enough to shut the hell up...lol
And let me get this straight. You would vote for Hillary? Shes as polarizing as Bush 2.0 if not more! And more liberal than Kerry. So i am to assume you're voting for Bush 2.0 instead of Kerry. Is this correct?
Well i would vote for the devil himself if came down to him or GWB. Not that theres much difference, but the devil will admit hes the devil! (i know im gonna pay for that one)
on Aug 01, 2004
Not really Joseph. As i said, there will be a significant amount of crossover votes going both ways this year. What i meant is the GOP'ers are not questioning some of the things this president has done in his term. Thats the difference between the dems and the GOP. We always question, the GOP NEVER does. Watergate, Iran Contra, Iraq, Haliburton. etc.. The Dems were all over Bubba during the Lewinsky thing.
I've noticed that the Democrats haven't done much questioning of John F. Kerry. Has their policy changed lately?
I also thought it was the Republicans that impeached Clinton for perjury. Next time somebody says that it was childish to impeach Clinton a little white lie, I guess that I should remind them to focus their blame on the Democrats.
And let me get this straight. You would vote for Hillary? Shes as polarizing as Bush 2.0 if not more! And more liberal than Kerry. So i am to assume you're voting for Bush 2.0 instead of Kerry. Is this correct?
Yes. Anybody but Kerry.
Well i would vote for the devil himself if came down to him or GWB. Not that theres much difference, but the devil will admit hes the devil! (i know im gonna pay for that one)
That's why I'll choose George Bush and Hillary Clinton over John Kerry. They both have many flaws, but Kerry is the King of Kings when it comes down to insincerity and dishonesty.
on Aug 01, 2004
And you believe that Bush is honest?
on Aug 01, 2004
Actually Joseph, Bush 2.0 is. And on top of that, hes a bit of a doofus.
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